Then i begin to wonder if this millions of people really do understand the true story behind Valentine, the sacrifice that had to be paid in order for a day like this to be celebrated hundred of years later in different countries all over the world.
Like the word of truth says ' for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whomso ever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life ' to me this is the greatest love gift ever to be given to man and the man named st. valentine came close to this form of sacrifice for as a roman priest he secretly married young lovers together in marriage against the decree of the king Claudius ll who prefered single soldiers other than married one's who wouldnt give their best at the war front because they had their wives and kids to live for while the single ones had nothing to live for than give their best at the war front.
For this reason the roman priest st. Valentine was handed over to Austerios to be jailed and was later beaten, stoned and decapited but before he died he and his jailer's daughter fell for one another and she kept visiting him in jail till the day of his death which was the day he sent her a written letter which was titled ' My Valentine ' .
Now with this very touching story which has influenced us today to celebrate this day February 14, how many of you can sacrifice your life for the love you believe in or the truth you believe or the man or woman you are so in love with like you claim?
This is just to let you all know that valentine is beyond buying expensive items for just that one person but a time to extend the love to that neighbour who cant afford a good shoe, that friend at work who needs someone to show abit of care, that person who can not afford a meal a day that family you see with so much tears in their eyes and you choose not to help when you sure can.
I have alot to write but have to go get ready for a program now.... Show love this season and be someone's sweet Valentine.
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